Sunday, August 17, 2008

Packing !

I spent yesterday morning cleaning up my old house (which I don't live in anymore) so that it is clean and neat anough to be rented out to ppl whom i seriously hope are clean and neat too. I packed up my storybooks, cleaned up the kitchen, threw away 5 garbage bags of junk, moved a few pieces of furniture around, laughed at some funny old pictures and sat down on the dusty sofa thinking of the good ol' 10 years I lived in that house.

The living room

This was where I watched Roger Federer play. Last year I woke up at 4 in the morning just to watch the Wimbledon Finals. It was a very satisfying match. I also woke up to watch the World Cup, which was quite nice too but obviously not half as nice as watching RF play.

The dining hall (not exactly a hall.. but it sounds better than room)

The take-a-quick-glance-before-you-rush-off-to-school mirror
The attic where we store all the stuff we don't like cluttering up the space but don't have the heart to throw away.

Omg you know what???????

About 2 years ago or a year and a half ago, we (me, bro, sis) were eating jackfruit and being the messy eaters we were, there were jackfruit seeds all over the table after we were done. I was bored so I suggested planting one of the seeds. I put the seed into a small pot on my house porch and after a few days the seed began to germinate! It looked uber cool! Over the next few months, the small plant began to resemble a tree and soon, it looked as though it needed more soil and nutrients than what a tiny pot could offer. So I uprooted it and using the tree-planting skills I amazingly acquired from Kemahiran Hidup (some living skills classes we had to take in school), I planted the small tree thing beside the drain opposite my house. I didn't think it would grow much cuz I planted it right between the fence and the drain. 2 years later:
(not the fat tree, it's the skinny tree behind) It's all grown up!! AWWWW!
And it's got fruits!!!!!!!!!! Yay!
Anyways, CAMPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!! I dont like packing.Does it look full? No right?? WELL IT WOULDN'T CLOSE SO I HAVE TO TAKE EVERYTHING OUT AGAIN and find a bigger bag.

WHeeeeeEEeeEEEEeee it's gonna be fun! CYA TMR!
I WON'T BE HERE from MONDAY 18 Aug to Friday something Aug 6pm ok bye bye byeeeeee.


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How to Cope with the Loss of a Pet Rock

(Found on some really awesome website with helped me overcome my grief)

Losing a loyal friend is always upsetting. Losing a Pet Rock is even worse, because you have spent so much time with them. They have been your constant companion and trusted friend. You could talk to them, and know that they would never tell anyone what you told them in secret. When they die, make sure they are buried someplace with lots of other rocks, so they will not be lonely.
  1. Bury your rock. If your rock has died, find a nice spot in your garden to bury him. If you have an area which contains a lot of other rocks, bury them there. Mark that spot in some way or another - burying an old spoon with the bit you eat off sticking out of the ground is an ideal gravestone.
  2. Remember your rock. If you have lost your rock, plant a flower in remembrance of them.
  3. Listen to really depressing music. Don't try to cheer yourself up for at least three days. You will drop back down to reality with a thud. Be really miserable. It is respectful to your rock. Slowly cheer up. That way,you won't get sudden pangs of mourning.
  4. Begin again. After at least a fortnight you can get a new rock!!!!!
  • Classical music can make you really miserable.
  • Other things that can make you really miserable include homework, thinking about lost items, best friends who have moved away and how you never gave your rock a good life, and so on.