Packing !
I spent yesterday morning cleaning up my old house (which I don't live in anymore) so that it is clean and neat anough to be rented out to ppl whom i seriously hope are clean and neat too. I packed up my storybooks, cleaned up the kitchen, threw away 5 garbage bags of junk, moved a few pieces of furniture around, laughed at some funny old pictures and sat down on the dusty sofa thinking of the good ol' 10 years I lived in that house.
This was where I watched Roger Federer play. Last year I woke up at 4 in the morning just to watch the Wimbledon Finals. It was a very satisfying match. I also woke up to watch the World Cup, which was quite nice too but obviously not half as nice as watching RF play.
The dining hall (not exactly a hall.. but it sounds better than room)
About 2 years ago or a year and a half ago, we (me, bro, sis) were eating jackfruit and being the messy eaters we were, there were jackfruit seeds all over the table after we were done. I was bored so I suggested planting one of the seeds. I put the seed into a small pot on my house porch and after a few days the seed began to germinate! It looked uber cool! Over the next few months, the small plant began to resemble a tree and soon, it looked as though it needed more soil and nutrients than what a tiny pot could offer. So I uprooted it and using the tree-planting skills I amazingly acquired from Kemahiran Hidup (some living skills classes we had to take in school), I planted the small tree thing beside the drain opposite my house. I didn't think it would grow much cuz I planted it right between the fence and the drain. 2 years later:
And it's got fruits!!!!!!!!!! Yay!

WHeeeeeEEeeEEEEeee it's gonna be fun! CYA TMR!
I WON'T BE HERE from MONDAY 18 Aug to Friday something Aug 6pm ok bye bye byeeeeee.
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