Seriously man!@ I've never thought running could be so exhilarating and funnn!! I llove love love running!!! I lOVEEE the aching in my leg muscles! I LOVEEEEEEEE the adrenaline!
The 100m was the second event of the day, and my first. Everyone was super super nervous cause it was the first event for most of them too. My legs felt like rubber and my stomach felt like it was being tied up in knots. When it was our turn to run (17 and above !!!), I felt like I was going to faint. Those running along with me were zheng, yasmin, natalie devries(i think thats how u spell it), talia, abeer and someone else i think. I didn't think I stood a chance cuz there's like yasmin and talia and nat and abeer and zheng yi who are all so fast... so i was pretty nervous. Then the dude blew the whistle for us to get ready, and then ... OFF WE WENT!!! I was running as hard as i could, zheng yi was like right behind me lol!!! that made me run faster!!! and guess what?!! I CAME IN THIRD! TOTALLY UNBELIEVABLE, I DIDN'T BELIEVE IT MYSELF!

800m was 2 laps around this huge track!!!
800mRight after the 100m was the 800m. I was super tired and I wanted to rest but ruzz pulled me to the field and we did warm ups together lol. Then zheng and afruz joined us at the last minute, we were all tired! We waited for quite awhile before it was our turn to run. The race started out slowish, 800 is like 2 laps which is a looong way, so i decided to take my time and just jog the first round. I was in third place for 3/4 of the way with gaia leading wayyy in front(duhh) and chea (or was it yukari??) about 50m ahead of me when suddenly yukari (or was it chea??) started to catch up with me!! I panicked and began to run faster until she was farrr away. Then at the last 100m, I started to sprint really really quickly and I MANAGED TO CATCH UP WITH CHEA AT THE LAST 2 SECONDS!!! IT FELT AWESOME!!!! SO I GOT SECOND!!!!!! TOTALLY UNEXPECTED TOO!!! omg I LOVE RUNNING. and i beat RUZANNA WHO SAID SHE WAS GOING TO BEAT ME!!! lol afruz and zheng yi were taking a stroll in the park.
200mRight after the 800m was the 200m!! I was like half dead!!! this time i was running with LEIA who got first in the 100m that morning. Also running was yasmin (who will obviously win duh) and zheng and cheryl and abeer. lol the race was funn. cheryl was ahead at first but suddenly me and leia shot past her and cheryl made a disgusted noise like hmmpphhaaiyaahh lolz. leia was in front just behind yasmin at the last 100m when i did the sprinting thing again and i managed to run past her at the last second! It was
this close!! Leia was feeling a bit sick after that so i felt a bit bad. :S anyways I LOVE RUNNING!!!
RelaysMy team consisted of Gaia, Yasmin, Wanxin and me so we wonnnnnnnnnn!!!!!
I'm like super high now!! Can't believe i did it!!!!!!! I LOVE RUNNING I LOVE ATHLETICS CARNIVAL!!!!!!!!!!!


I AM HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!

oh i almost forgot! RAFTER WON!!!!! WE DID A HAT TRICK! 3 in a row~ AS EXPECTED!