I loooove patterns. I go crazy for patterns!! And it's not just artsy pretty patterns I like, but patterns in a... how do I say it.. "non-tangible" way...? Like for example, I have to eat cereal for breakfast every morning. If I don't have cereal or some form of grainy carbs, my whole day gets thrown out of whack. That's a pattern right??! Cereal every morning... HA HA.
Other sorts of patterns too... I see everything as a pattern, some people call this logic. <:) *cough cough*.
No, seriously, patterns are cool. I love sudoku cuz I can just sit there and let my eyes search for patterns while my mind is free to wander all over the place. And, when people around me start to blabber and yabber on about something totally annoying, I filter them out and only pay attention to the words that are not part of the usual pattern. Hmmm, I do that quite often, actually. Har har har only kidding.
But you get my point. MY LIFE IS RULED BY PATTERNS. And I will totally die for anything that has a pattern on it, or better still, consists of only patterns.
I LOVE POLKA DOTS. Polka dots are to die for. I have a brown polka dot bag (which is now in its final stages of life)
Polka dotted flip flops (which would also have to go soon)
Another polka dot bag
Polka dotted shorts heee hee
Polka dotted flip flops. Hmm, I seem to be getting a leetle repetitive ..
Another polka dot bag......
Okay I'll stop.
I ALSO LIKE PLAIDS. I saw that bag in topshop and it costs 50 bucks. ;(
And, I have this bag which everyone seems to hate...
But I don't understand why. :( It's so colorful and so patternful and so yummyishy!!My sister said .. No, its okay. You don't need to know what my sister said. ;D But whatever, I like the pattern!!!
This post is so weird. Must be one of the many side effects of SAVEBOB (Severe And Very Easily Brought-On Boredom). I think scientists have yet to find a safe cure for SAVEBOB due to its highly volatile and contagious nature. SAVEBOB. No, save me!
Today I played tennis in the morning which was totally awesome!! There's nothing like playing tennis in the cool, fresh, crisp 7.30am air with the soft, shimmery sunlight carressing your face.... Ahhh.
After that, walked to restaurant OK (Yes, that is its actual name) where I sat and waited for ZHENG YI for half a century before her royal highness arrived. LOL. We had some breakfast and then we walked back to her house. I almost died of exhaustion on the way there.
And now, I'm stuck at home again while Zheng gets to go to Melbourne, and Clarian's in Korea and Ruzz and Rai's going to London(like they do every year - its a ritual thing, kind of like me and my cereal) and Federer's probably in Dubai or something, gasp- I don't know.
yours truly,
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