Tuesday, December 30, 2008

la la la~

I was watching this tv show yesterday.. and this really famous singer in korea...
she earned around... 6700000RM with this song this year!! ONLY with this songg O_O;;;;;

hehehhe I likeee this songg ;DDD
Im planning to put this song in my phone ringtone.. once I get a new phone here xD

she is quite prettyyyyyy ;DDDDDD and Im sooooo addicted to this song :S


Sunday, December 28, 2008

what's your new year resolution? ;D

Its almost time for us to say goooooodbyeee 2008! and hellooooooo 2009!

I hate those weird facts that number "9" is unfortunate (well, at least here in Korea) ;x
In fact, it is up to me that make my life great as possible ;DD

Here are my resolutions so far! ;D

Clarian's resolutions!
1. Study hard! especially in my new competitive high school.. blaaahh >_<

2. Exercise regulary no matter how busy I become!! ;DDD

3. Keep this mypetrockdied interesting for another year! (;

4. Planning to be a sunflower for 2009. selfish sunflower! I'll try! ;D

5. Keep in touch with people in AISM (:

Caryn's resolutions!
2. I will try to be less blur and not so disorganised and not so messy. My things keep getting lost!! Yesterday I spent an hour looking for my stupid eng assignment!! I was panicking to the max!!!
3. I must laugh for at least 7 minutes every single day.
4. I MUST sleep at least 7 hours 30 minutes every single night so I can grow some more. (PLEASE, GOD, LET ME GROW)
5. I must make sure Clarian, Zheng, Ruzz, Rai and everyone else doesn't forget me and everyone else at AISM.

Good luckk!!! btw clarian I don't get the sunflower resolution..... selfish sunflower......??

clarian : sunflower! it always wants to look at the sun all by itself because it lovesss the sun ;D
Im gonna love the sun (everyoneee) and always gonna look at them forever (:
like my friends, families and other loved ones ;DD

Clarian & Caryn's common resolutions!!

1. make our petrockdied blog foreverr no matter what (:

2. keep in touch all the times

3. do NOT forget about all the memories we had for the past few years, like the list on the left (:



Caryn! think of more!! ;D

Friday, December 26, 2008

side effects =D

This is how you change whn you've played audition for ONLY a year and stopped for a MONTH!

On the calculator screen, it says... 7946134611997733

On the iPod screen, it says... Audition-Mov Mov

i still luv geochallenge

Geo challenge! My high score: 35k ++
I'm really bad at the map mayhem thing... x.X

I found this world puzzle thing at my grandma's house.. it made my geochallenge heart very happy!

tootles, caryn

Thursday, December 25, 2008


How's your Christmas? Mine's great! I'm at home stuffing myself with junkfood, cereal, ice lemon tea powder, rice, cupcakes and whatever i can get my hands on!!

I spent Christmas eve (yesterday) in Johor. We had a huge dinner and we sang some Christmas carols.

and we ate. a lot. of. cupcakes.
my sis and i decorated the blackboard!
my granparent's house is SO cool! It's so vintage and old and quaint!
The kitchen is a separate building from the house!
We stayed at a hotel cuz there wasn't enough room to accomodate everyone at both my granparents' houses. On the window of the hotel room:
HA HA HA HAHAHAH! That made my day. x)

Anyway, I've just realised that I have sooo many blogs, and ALL of them are shared with other people... One with Clarian, one with mel and one with zheng!! How weird is that??!! So I thought I should finally create a blog of my own, with just ME as the author. ;)


It's not as cool, quaint or charming as this adorable one, but heyy, my very own blog! Don't know if i'll post much there though. Haha.

Ok enjoy your Christmasses! God loves you!

xoxo caryn

Saturday, December 20, 2008

A year and a half ago............

There were loads of people...... ;)
I really really really miss those people ;(
But some things never change...

LOL. Those were the happy ole days!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

I'm glad I'm a human cuz that means i am the most important creature on this planet

HI !
Today, I went to Universiti Melaya with MEL to cut up some mice. Ha ha ha! It's actually part of a research project about cartilage scaffolding, how cool is that? The details of this supermagnificent project is top secret of course.

First stop: The animal lab!

It smelt so bad. SO BAD. I can still breathe in the horrible stench of rabbit poo, rat poo, mice poo, monkey poo (Yea, I saw a very tormented-looking monkey clinging on to the metal bars of its cage) and some other sad animals' poo. Since when do human beings have the right to carry out awful experiments on animals anyway? But its okay I guess, since they're all gonna die for a good cause. ;D!

That's Mel holding the mice. >:)

Our victims were 10 TINY white mice. THEY WERE SO CUUUUTE!! These mice are healthy, PUREBRED and disease-free, specially ordered from Animal House! Luckily they had evil-looking red eyes, or I wouldn't be able to sleep tonight... It's so much easier to inflict pain on a red-eyed mouse than a mouse with huge chocolate-brown eyes that seem to draw you in...... ;)

Before the surgery:
During the surgery:

No, I didn't get my hands dirty. Mel and I just hovered around, passing the doctor whatever she needed. We took photos too and carried the mice everywhere. After that, we hung around in the hospital - in her dad's office, in the medical bookshop, in the corridor with various posters of deformed and damaged bodyparts, in a room full of dummies... it was fascinating. If your lungs ever collapse and need to be inflated, ask me, I know how. <;D

I can't believe tomorrow's Friday already.....

=O I LOVE CHOCOLATE. I saw this HUGE Hershey's chocolate bar in cold storage. It weighs 5 pounds (2.26kg) and it costs RM200 something. Its reaaalllyyyy big, like half a meter long. I WANT.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Be quiet class!

Environment preservation is crucial in our life. It's very important! =DD
I can hear... someone.. moaning its not????!?!?! It MAY seem not as important as what you want to or need to or have to do now like... work, guys or girls, twilight, new moon, eclipse, breaking dawn, spongebob, orange, mango, audition, msn, water, ipod, itouch, ipod nano (I can go on and on but I'll let you to think what you want, need or must.. YES, I know Im the one posting a blog but I don't know what all of you like and want to preserve in your life except environment.. OKAY! STOP MOANING! just msg me what you want me to put here and I'll add it here right away! fair?? this is too long.. I'll go back to my point! =D)

But think about it! Think about our future.. next generations, next generations of our pets.. our lovely pets... (Oh yes! I should put pets to on that list! actually.. I don't really bother to.. next time! =DD)

Earth is the place where we are standing RIGHT NOW and has been providing us with natural resources! water! we drink water everyday. ground! we are stepping on it now. oil! we use that everywhere. even... oil seems bad since it creates... speculations.. (uhh.. that's like a totally different story..) but anyway! so it IS true that they are veryy important! you understand? =D

Imagine that earth! that precious earth of OURS! is going to disappear!
You see... everything has feelings... even flowers have emotions! Im sure you heard about flowers can grow much much quickly when there is a music on. Flowers, humans, animals have feelings! so can you possibly say that EARTH doesn't have any feelings? I don't think so!

so.. if it disappears, you won't be able to continue on.. what you like or want or need as we made the list together on the veryyyyyyy top of this post! *pointing at it* can you see? =DD
(YOU! *pointing at the very first row guy* need to change glasses or change your ears! =D)

Imagine we are somewhere in the amusement park, riding on a roller coaster, dropping your popcorn on the ground while you are up-side down! oil is consuned while rollar coaster is running, soils are screaming in pain while sooooo many popcorns are dropped on the flower, tiny little grasses, ants and bacteria.... *dot dot dot*... so many things are killed! *sob sob* :(

and and suddenly! *poof!!* * people screaming with fears* all things around you disappears and you are nowhere on the space floating around with people... Ok. Lets take that as being fortunate dying with suffocation *chocks* with no air with OTHER PEOPLE AROUND YOU, sharing regrets, looking back of what earth has given us... If you are in a normal situation (of NOT being fortunate), you will be the only one survived on the space and only void stays with you.. you open and closes your eyes but they are still the same.. can't see anything.. *turns off the lights and let people to open and close their eyes* *screams* *shudders*

Imagine a ghost with a black, long dangling hair with a white dress appears no where around you in a dark space and says.... BOO! That's terrible okay?!?!??!!? You won't be able to sleep for a month! (hmm.. wait a minute.. that doesn't make sense if you are going to die in the space with no oxygen to inhale.. you learned this in biology! and furthermore.. its a background knowledge! you should know~ *pokes*
OH WAIT! you might be rescued by flip and flop who live in flipflop planet! even it has a possibility of.. 1/100,000,000,000,000,000.. there is still a hope to survive in the space! =D)

Still not good with winning that possibility... you live, you suffer with nightmare then..

SO IN CONCLUSION.. you can't avoid earth's punishment. it's all haphazard to you. so you see.. protect earth.. love them.. and care then when you actually CAN do it. and before it gets angry.


p.s. thanks for those who read this actually! congrats to them!
leave a msg on the "left" who read this all! so called.. chatbox! or "msn" also! (; I'll give you an award and a gift.. gift as.. a special opportunity to POSSESS me! =DDDD It's a great honour you know <3

-Clarian! =D

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Friday, December 12, 2008


my life here in korea is much better than I thought! =DD

I wake up 8am every morning,

finish breakfast and stretching at 9pm

start my studies at 9pm and finish them around 12.

learn playing basketball with my neighbour till 1pm

have lunch around that time with him, sometimes outside or sometimes in his house (his mum is a greatttt coooook!!! =DD)

take the bus so that i can arrive at 2pm to my work =p

finish my work at 3.30pm and come back home around 4~4.30pm.

take some nap.

watch tv and help my mum for dinner

having dinner around 7pm.

from 8pm, I do my studies again, prepare for my work for the next day

listen to radio from 12 midnight to 2am (my favorite radio programmm. so glad it's still there!)

and sleeeep at 2am.

This weekend, meeting my friends~~ haha.

I should be more productive though... I feel like im wasting time =S

My holidays are soooo good though! I would love it even this routine repeats for 6weeks of my holidays~ maybe I would want more! =DD haha. can you imagine me playing basketball?!?!!??! But it's quite funnn!! =DD

Anyways!! I LOVEEEEEEE BREAKING DAWN!! Its the best everrr~ =p

bye byeee~~

Thursday, December 11, 2008


I loooove patterns. I go crazy for patterns!! And it's not just artsy pretty patterns I like, but patterns in a... how do I say it.. "non-tangible" way...? Like for example, I have to eat cereal for breakfast every morning. If I don't have cereal or some form of grainy carbs, my whole day gets thrown out of whack. That's a pattern right??! Cereal every morning... HA HA.

Other sorts of patterns too... I see everything as a pattern, some people call this logic. <:) *cough cough*.
No, seriously, patterns are cool. I love sudoku cuz I can just sit there and let my eyes search for patterns while my mind is free to wander all over the place. And, when people around me start to blabber and yabber on about something totally annoying, I filter them out and only pay attention to the words that are not part of the usual pattern. Hmmm, I do that quite often, actually. Har har har only kidding.

But you get my point. MY LIFE IS RULED BY PATTERNS. And I will totally die for anything that has a pattern on it, or better still, consists of only patterns.

I LOVE POLKA DOTS. Polka dots are to die for. I have a brown polka dot bag (which is now in its final stages of life)
Polka dotted flip flops (which would also have to go soon)
Another polka dot bag
Polka dotted shorts heee hee
Polka dotted flip flops. Hmm, I seem to be getting a leetle repetitive ..
Another polka dot bag......

Okay I'll stop.

I saw that bag in topshop and it costs 50 bucks. ;(

And, I have this bag which everyone seems to hate...
But I don't understand why. :( It's so colorful and so patternful and so yummyishy!!
My sister said .. No, its okay. You don't need to know what my sister said. ;D But whatever, I like the pattern!!!


This post is so weird. Must be one of the many side effects of SAVEBOB (Severe And Very Easily Brought-On Boredom). I think scientists have yet to find a safe cure for SAVEBOB due to its highly volatile and contagious nature. SAVEBOB. No, save me!


Today I played tennis in the morning which was totally awesome!! There's nothing like playing tennis in the cool, fresh, crisp 7.30am air with the soft, shimmery sunlight carressing your face.... Ahhh.
After that, walked to restaurant OK (Yes, that is its actual name) where I sat and waited for ZHENG YI for half a century before her royal highness arrived. LOL. We had some breakfast and then we walked back to her house. I almost died of exhaustion on the way there.

And now, I'm stuck at home again while Zheng gets to go to Melbourne, and Clarian's in Korea and Ruzz and Rai's going to London(like they do every year - its a ritual thing, kind of like me and my cereal) and Federer's probably in Dubai or something, gasp- I don't know.


yours truly,

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

My holiday so far

Sat: Woke up at 6 to play tennis!! After that, celebrated my bro's bday at One World Hotel, the same place as Zheng's bday thing last year. The buffet was killing awesome. After that, went back to Muar, Johor to visit my granparents. :D:D:D

Sun: Woke up feeling a little abnormal. I had no appetite and half of my brain wasn't functioning right. After lunch, my head just caved in and I spent the whole afternoon trying to find somewhere comfortable to rest my head which felt like it had been trampled on by 523459573 hippopotamuses. My mom blamed the rain. I blame the lizard eggs I found lying on the dusty bed I had to sleep on the previous night. Thank goodness we were going back home that night because by then, my lungs and bladder didn't feel like lungs and bladder no more.

Today (monday): I felt slightly better, went for lunch with more relatives at a niiiice dim sum place in Jaya 33. Dropped my bro and sis off at church for their camp. WOOPEEE i'll be sibling-less for 4 days and 3 wonderful nights!! Tragic, I know! But I'll survive! :) I feel much much better now and it sounds like clarian is having a fantabulous time in korea!!! i wish I was there too!!!

Tomorrow: dunno....

Day after tomorrow: dunno either

next week: no idea

next 2 weeks: hmmmm

next 4 weeks: ahhhhhh

next 6 weeks: woooooooooo

Yeah. 6 weeks of unplanned freedom. My mom suggests I get attached to mel's mom who is a paedatrician(I can't even spell that right) or to visit the children in the oncology (cancer!) ward with her other friend. Both sound equally unappealing. Looking at sick, suffering children... deeepressinggg. But it'll be.... educational??! and sort of interesting in a way.. We'll seee. :D:D:D

-car yin

Friday, December 5, 2008



My mom put me in charge of making sure there's always enough water for the chicken to be steamed. But being my blur blur blur blur self, I FORGOT about the stupid chicken and omg.... The wok is burnt..........
What do I do what do I say!??!?! My mom is going to go into this long long looong long rant about how I should put my priorities first and blah blah and then she'll make me reorganize my entire life which isn't such a bad idea right now but i can't be bothered to!!

OMG I BURNT THE WOK LOL !!!! Maybe I should just bury that thing somewhere. I think I will. HAHAHA.


hi worldd =DDD

Helloo world~! =DD
Mypetrockdied blog was almost dying so Im saving it now =DD

Nothing much to say.. Actually, Im sooo tired and blur this morning that I don't feel like typing lots of stuffs. But... I'll tell you JUST what happened! readyy?!?!!!?

1. There was a farewell dinner for those who are leaving. I went to caryn's place and zheng's place, changed clothes and went to Souled Out =DD It was fun. lol.

2. We went to the Mines for movies and some random stuffs. Madagascar was awesome! I laughed all the way through the movie. and then.... we went to some kind of chinese restaurant and then... did other stuffs. Im lazy now. Don't bother to tell you all. sorry =DDD

3. Clarian is still alive! =DDDDD <3



How to Cope with the Loss of a Pet Rock

(Found on some really awesome website with helped me overcome my grief)

Losing a loyal friend is always upsetting. Losing a Pet Rock is even worse, because you have spent so much time with them. They have been your constant companion and trusted friend. You could talk to them, and know that they would never tell anyone what you told them in secret. When they die, make sure they are buried someplace with lots of other rocks, so they will not be lonely.
  1. Bury your rock. If your rock has died, find a nice spot in your garden to bury him. If you have an area which contains a lot of other rocks, bury them there. Mark that spot in some way or another - burying an old spoon with the bit you eat off sticking out of the ground is an ideal gravestone.
  2. Remember your rock. If you have lost your rock, plant a flower in remembrance of them.
  3. Listen to really depressing music. Don't try to cheer yourself up for at least three days. You will drop back down to reality with a thud. Be really miserable. It is respectful to your rock. Slowly cheer up. That way,you won't get sudden pangs of mourning.
  4. Begin again. After at least a fortnight you can get a new rock!!!!!
  • Classical music can make you really miserable.
  • Other things that can make you really miserable include homework, thinking about lost items, best friends who have moved away and how you never gave your rock a good life, and so on.