Sunday, June 3, 2007

Caryn's Birthday Party

Hehe. Caryn's birthday party was AWESOME!! hehe. Happy birthday caryn!! I went to lunch with caryn's family. We had a good fish and... um... what was that.. japanese thing?? yeah. anyway it was nice:D:D. On the way to caryn's home, me and caryn and jo were talking about random stuffs. Hehe. Caryn is so lucky to have a cute and nice sister (Jo!). Everytime she looks caryn in lovely eyes!!! ^^;; I wonder why caryn doesn't like it=p

Shiny Cockroach!

After we arrived in caryn's house, me and caryn were playing speed. It was my first time. I was so blur. Caryn was so happy because she could win someone which is technically not fair. Hehe. I was so blur and Jo was helping me to put cards. But i still lost. TT. Oh well~~ haha.

First I met melissa, one of caryn's best friend. She looked like my friend in korean school=p. We were cutting the fruits. Especially, Mel was making the watermelon in a lot of small round shape. Hehe. Jo and me were eating those over and over=p. I cut the melon which was quite hard but fun. Caryn was making a face using a pine apple. I heard caryn was quite queit and normal in her old school. I wonder why she changed suddenly. Well, i was perfectly normal as well in last year. I wonder why i changed suddenly also. Hmm...

People started to come to caryn's house. I was screaming when i saw minobu. She was so much cute and sexy=p=p. Hahahahahahaha!!!!!!! Two caryn's friends knew my face and name from our blog and friendster. I was so happy and glad^^
Jasmine, raifana and alden played the piano for caryn. It was so coooooool! Especially, raifana's one was so cute! =p. Hmm. I didn't know alden can play the piano very well. It was so sweet!!! I was surprised. I think other people think that as well. Garfield playing the piano??? Hahahahaha!!!! =p

Raifana told us about our love life. Mine was quite sad... TT. I don't love myself that much and the person that i like likes i like that person but that person doesn't like me... TT. sigh. Okay... i'm getting sad and emo again.. Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Oh well...

We played ABC again!!! Haha. At the first time, i hit hard but after i was getting tired, i couldn't. I get tired so easily. sigh. Once i went to the camp in korean school and after i arrived home, i got sick terribly and was staying in the hospital for 2 days. TT. I need to exercise more!!! Haha.

The food was really nice. Hehe. I loved the spaghetti and the chocolate muffin. ooh. and i loved the PEACH CAKE!! yummmmy~~

Aastha's family dropped me in front of the condo. Hehe. I was so tired that after i took shower, i just slept. But it was VERY fun more than i expected and i met a lot of new friends=p

Happy Birthday Caryn and hope that all your wishes come true :D
and... Thank you for being my GOOD and BEST and INNOCENT and NICE friend who used to be my company talking to the non-living things!!! Hehe. I love you, sarang he, wo ai ni, ai si te ru ^^*

p.s. By the way, Caryn was so pretty with those formal clothes. She didn't look like a teacher at all! ^^;;


1 comment:

Ambivalence said...


How to Cope with the Loss of a Pet Rock

(Found on some really awesome website with helped me overcome my grief)

Losing a loyal friend is always upsetting. Losing a Pet Rock is even worse, because you have spent so much time with them. They have been your constant companion and trusted friend. You could talk to them, and know that they would never tell anyone what you told them in secret. When they die, make sure they are buried someplace with lots of other rocks, so they will not be lonely.
  1. Bury your rock. If your rock has died, find a nice spot in your garden to bury him. If you have an area which contains a lot of other rocks, bury them there. Mark that spot in some way or another - burying an old spoon with the bit you eat off sticking out of the ground is an ideal gravestone.
  2. Remember your rock. If you have lost your rock, plant a flower in remembrance of them.
  3. Listen to really depressing music. Don't try to cheer yourself up for at least three days. You will drop back down to reality with a thud. Be really miserable. It is respectful to your rock. Slowly cheer up. That way,you won't get sudden pangs of mourning.
  4. Begin again. After at least a fortnight you can get a new rock!!!!!
  • Classical music can make you really miserable.
  • Other things that can make you really miserable include homework, thinking about lost items, best friends who have moved away and how you never gave your rock a good life, and so on.