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cαryn & clαriαn
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11:26 AM
0 toads died after reading a bunch of blabber about fara's leaving
Hehe. I'm in IST now. I finally handed it in. :p
I'm bored.. nobody here... well. Acutally it's not nobody but... almost nobody. Hehe.
Everyone is taking Math competition.. I'm not confident about math so i didn't take it.. i rather spend those money on eating and shopping :D
Hehe. Everyone likes Jay Chou's songs(hmm.. maybe..) Hehe. Yesterday i sent some Jay Chou's songs to Bonga and he liked it!!!!! Hehe. Yay!! Jay chou is the best :D:D
Brian CAME!!! Haha. Yesterday in msn, he said he will visit us soon. someday. Hmm.. Yeah. Acutally it IS soon. Very soon. Hehe. Yay!!! Zheng was really happy that her face turned red like a tomato!!! =p..
Well,, i can see him after 4 days so i'm not sad anymore looking at those sweet people.. TT;;
Today some people are performing in talent quest! I can't wait to see them playing! ^^
Hehe. I'm going to play bunny game. Bye bye people~~~
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cαryn & clαriαn
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12:14 PM
0 toads died after reading a bunch of blabber about ist is boring
KLCC was okay.. It was not boring bt not THAT fun.. TT. Oh well. I knew KLCC is a boring place.. hehe. But you cares! BETTER than SCHOOL :D
In photography, we finished our movie and in math, we just did work which i didn't finished them at all. I finished drawing the table. That's all.
We went there on a bus. I was sitting with raifana talking about.. stuffs. love stories, songs,, and .. hmm. yeah. stuffs. Heee heee.
Fara and me were laughing a lot about something. =p. I still can laugh a lot about that topic.. but i won't cos i'm afraid that my mum would send me to the mental hospital. TT. Hehe. I love laughing! It's almost my part of my life and.. part of me! Wheee!! Oh. btw, Caryn was laughing so much that she cried!!!! Haha. shiny eyes... shiny cockroaches... ewww....
Heh. I laughed a lot as well that i sat down on the floor. How stupid.. hehe ^^;;
Before we went to the kinokuniya, we were not allowed to go anywhere else except the food corner.. which was.. bad. But when we were eating lunch, we realized that we CAN go somewhere for 1 hour. I had a cheeseburger.. Hehe. Fara was talking about some.. things.. which made us to lose our appetite.. sigh. It was funnny though :)
Yeah. As Caryn said, the art gallery was nice. I didn't like some of it cos it's all written in malay and i couldn't understand any of them! Oh well. Who should i blame. I'm in malaysia. I should follow the language.. sigh. Hehe. We got a poster! Now my wall is not empty anymore, Caryn!!
Wheeeeee! Cheryl was guiding the way to go to the ground floor. Haha. We were blurrr.
I'm already packing to go to korea! Hehe. I can' wait! :) I don't want to take the airplane though..
so tiring... 6 hours!!! But it doesn't matter that much cos it departs at 1a.m. and arrives at 7a.m. I can sleep there. =p.
I'm sleepy now. I might not use the internet from tmr. sigh. So this post can be my last post in malaysia before the start of term 3! I'll add a new post right away as soon as i can in korea!
Fara is leaving~~~~~~!! TT. I love you fara. Can i hold your hand when you want me to? haha.
Gnite people! ^^
p.s. I can see him after... 4 days! Hehe. so happppyyy!! lah.
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cαryn & clαriαn
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1:35 AM
0 toads died after reading a bunch of blabber about good night
KLCC today. Was quite fun. Hung around at the kinokuniya bookstore looking through all the boring history and geography books. Clarian and I found a book on the history of potatoes. haha. We put it in the trolley. :) Lunch was okay. Then we walked around aimlessly until I spotted an art gallery. Some Petronas Bumi Manusia art exhibition. Everyone thought it was boring until Cheryl noticed that admission was FREE. Suddenly Clarian seemed interested. haha. So Cla, Cheryl and I entered the gallery while the rest went on with their aimless wandering. It was all in Malay though so Clarian was a little disappointed. I liked the drawings and doodles on tissue paper though they were quite ugly. heee. but they looked pretty together. And there was this freaky video with horrible sound effects. Then we rushed back to the meeting point where everyone was waiting. for us. heh. So tiring.
Minobu taught me a kiddy song :)
Oike no mawari ni ohana ga saitayo! Bun bun bun! Hachi ga tobu!
Wanna know what it means? go find out yourself.
k lah i'll tell you.. The flowers around the lake are bloooooming! Bun bun bun(sounds of flowers blooming....) The bees are flying!!! HAHAHHAA. So cute right. Minobu sings it so cutely!!
Wahh so late already. Holidays are coming yaaaaaay! I can catch up on my sleep.. ^^
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cαryn & clαriαn
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11:07 PM
0 toads died after reading a bunch of blabber about klcc was fun
Today I felt quite happy, for no particular reason. :] I felt wheeeeeeeeeeeee!! We had a fire drill, which wasn't very exciting. And we went to the junior school talent show. There was a pair of cute kids who tried to rap and dance, SO CUTE :P But the mic got unplugged halfway through.. poor guys. Watched Fahrenheit 9/11 in photography. I never knew George W. Bush was such a tard. >.< It was quite interesting. Badminton was tiring. Osama and I beat Marrianne and one malay guy and Irwan. haaahhaha.
Yaaaaay!!! KLCC tmr! Can't wait!! Clarian, who cares if the place isn't all that great- we can hang out with friends! :) and shop, and walk around, and ooh and ahhh at everything!! SO FUN! oh and kinokuniya is soo coool :)))
Blahhhhhhh. IST due tmr.. I have to do the speech thingy. And history due on wed.. aiyaaaaahhh.
Oh zheng just reminded me of something. If EVERYONE stopped having babies at this very moment, there would be no humans left on earth in a hundred years. Wheeeeeee.....
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cαryn & clαriαn
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7:48 PM
2 toads died after reading a bunch of blabber about no more humans
Hi. Hehe. Today is a tired day.. I went to the hospital with my mum cos she is sick :(..
and then i went to school again cos my mum pushed me to go~~~ !
Well. school is not that bad. bt.. so lazy lah.
My computer is strange.. half of the screen is covered by colour lines which is strange..
Hmm.. i won't be able to turn on the computer from today.. or from tmr!!!TT
how can i live without internet??? Ahhhh!
Oh well. I'm getting credits tmr so.. People!! send me sms!!
haha. I still feel empty... desperately need someone to fill in the space....
sigh. I'm going to korea on friday night. Hehe. Yay!
I'll enjoy my life there.
Tomorrow we are going to KLCC.. Hehe. Hope it is fun. Personally i don't like KLCC..
But who cares =p better than school.
I'm sleepy people!!! Bye~~~
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cαryn & clαriαn
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5:33 PM
0 toads died after reading a bunch of blabber about Yay
I went to Clariiaaan's house and it was fuuunnnn :)) We talked a lot, under the stars and on the hard wooden bed which made my back and neck ache!!! Hehe it was cool.I was crazy.
But somebody else was crazier!! HEE HEE.
Felt gooood :]
Clarian's mom can cook reaaally weelll! I'm still stuffed :P
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cαryn & clαriαn
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12:13 AM
0 toads died after reading a bunch of blabber about caryn and clarian are happily crazy
Yay okay I'm in Claaaariiiaaan's house and its soooooo quiet.. Very.. peaceful.. :P
We went for a walk.. shopped for some snacks (KOREAN SNACKS ARE SOOO CUTE), took some mad pictures, played cards, stare at the fake stars, be emo, had an AWESOME DINNER (I LOVE KOREAN FOOD), watched a sweet movie, and now, harrasing people :)
I'm soooo sleepy now k gniiiiite sleep tight dun let the bed bugs bite!!!
p.s. elizabeth... don't be sad :( you're making karl sad too :(((
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cαryn & clαriαn
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12:02 AM
0 toads died after reading a bunch of blabber about clarian's house is so cute
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cαryn & clαriαn
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6:52 AM
0 toads died after reading a bunch of blabber about caryn tay and clarian han are here so be happy
Today was.. a very tired day. Photo day.. It was okay.. Everyone, well most people, looked neat and good. Especially Raifana!!! She was soooooo cute! ><
We took a class photo, individual photo and "professional" individual photo which was standing near the tree... That person who asked me to pose was scary... "look at here. no here. that's good. please smile. bla bla bla!!! " Jason and me wanted to take a picture under the tree making a heart using our arms.. haha. It was funnnnnnnnnny!! :p Does somebody want to pose that with me?? hahaha. I like that kinds of photos.. not individual ones but taking photos with friends and families =p
I feel tired and blah right now... Ahhhhh!!! Oh well.. Hehe. Guess wat???
Caryn is coming to my house tmr!!!! hehe. It will be fun and awesome... But i don't know wat to do for the almost whole day.. Hmm....
Yesterday i was going to the shop and i was walking near the swimming pool. But then, suddenly, those little kids were running towards me and i sliped over and fell to the swimming pool. I was totally wet... and everyone was laughing near the swimming pool. Oh well. Thank god that it wasn't that deep. If it was deep, then i won't be able to survive.. I can't swim!
I should learn how to swim..
nahh.. i wont. I hate water.. ^^;;
I'm sleepy. and feel blurrrr!
p.s. I'm not emo anymore! yay!!! ^^
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cαryn & clαriαn
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8:41 PM
0 toads died after reading a bunch of blabber about i feel blah
Hehe. I felt like writing a post in korean.. Hehe. Translations are provided~ XDXD
Hmm.. Still my korean is much better... Ahhhhh!!!!!
슬퍼진다. 그러면 안된다는 것을 알면서도 그저 살며시 오는 슬픔.. 그런 슬픔이 느껴진다..
행복해야 하는데 웃어야 되는데..... 최대한 웃어야 할 시기.. 그리고 그럴수 있는 시기가 지금 밖에 없다는 것을 알고 있지만 그냥... 한없이 슬퍼진다. 멍하니 하늘을 바라 보았다 그냥 그저 멍하니... 구름과 대화하는듯.. 노을과 대화하는듯... 그리고 물었다... 그랬다. 모든것이 괜찮아 질거라고... 좋은 날을 언제나 온다고 그랬다.. 그럴때는 누구나 있지 않을까?? 감정 조절이 안될때... 지금 내가 그런가 보다.. 누군가와 이야기 하고 싶고... 혼자 있기는 싫다... 외로움이 느껴지기도 한다...
I feel sad. I don't know why but those sadness when it comes slowly and secretly in my empty mind... I suppose to be happy in this situation.. I have friends, families and all those things which would have no reasons to be sad.. and I know i suppose to laugh and enjoy my life now but.. but... just... i feel so sad and gloomy that i can't even express how much i feel sad... I looked at the sky, about to talk to the scattered clouds and the sky aglow in red and orange tones of colours with a setting sun... A huge and pure sky as if it is comforting and telling me that everything is going to be alright... as every clouds have silver lining...
When you can't control your feelings... sigh.. I want to talk to someone to forget everything about my sadness... (sadness with no reason..) i don't want to be alone... and i am now in a late night. Tomorrow i'll try to be happy,, talking with my good good friends :D
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cαryn & clαriαn
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11:25 PM
0 toads died after reading a bunch of blabber about i feel sad
Fat stars were splattered across the sky,
Each one emitting a soft white glow;
I stood up and wiped my eyes dry,
From which my tears have ceased to flow.
I walked slowly in the moonlight,
Feeling the crisp grass beneath my bare feet;
Something told me everything would be alright,
Suddenly the air became clear and sweet.
My heart was free, my head felt clear,
The trees looked green even in the dark;
I started running; there was nothing to fear,
When quite suddenly, I heard a loud bark.
My magical spell dissipated in a flash,
My euphoria died, replaced by shock;
The creature was ugly, it reeked of trash,
Its eyes were yellow, cold as rock.
I took a step back as it advanced on me,
I tried to run, to escape from this beast
That ruined my moment of happiness, my glee,
I had to run, or I would be its next feast.
I turned on my heel and began to run,
The sweet air transformed into a fierce storm;
What is this, what have I done?
Once again, the tears began to form.
I felt its heavy breath down my neck,
A tingle went down my tired spine;
Every nerve hurt, I was a nervous wreck,
I ran harder, not taking a look behind.
My body could not take it any longer,
I collapsed on the cold hard ground;
This is the end, my life is over,
I laid here waiting to be found.
I listened for a stomp, but there wasn’t any,
I lifted my head and took a look around;
This was not nice, neither was it funny,
I dared not breathe nor make a sound.
I stood up after what seemed like forever,
Why wasn’t I devoured; how very strange;
Was it hiding, was it being clever?
Whatever it is, my life has been changed.
Far in the distance, I saw a huge lump,
I ran towards it, I was greeted by a curious sight;
It laid in a heap, on its head was a bump,
When it saw me, it whimpered in fright.
Up close, the monster seemed almost harmless,
I didn’t feel scared, I wasn’t afraid;
It yawned; I saw that it was toothless,
I bent down and patted its head.
The bump on its head was red and sore,
Hugging the monster, I sang it a song;
Soon after that, it began to snore,
I fell asleep on its tummy, but not for long.
I was awoken by a piercing scream,
The monster stood up with a clumsy jerk;
Memories came flooding back; was this a dream?
No time to think, the monster was going berserk!
A little girl came running frantically,
Her eyes were fixed on the monster’s;
At the sight of her, it yelped manically,
This is too much, I’m going bonkers.
Their hug was tight and never-ending,
The girl whispered something in its ears;
The sight before me was quite fascinating,
The monster had suddenly burst into tears.
I looked at the girl for an explanation,
I was told that the monster wasn’t real;
That it was a figment of her imagination,
But I saw it so clearly; its happiness I could feel.
They left me with my jaw open wide,
My body felt weak, my mind was a swirl;
Memories and logic began to collide,
I felt like I was in another world.
As I watched them vanish into the distance,
I heard joyful laughter from the sky above;
I realized the meaning of our existence,
Life is nothing without the magic of love.
scribbled by
cαryn & clαriαn
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9:27 PM
0 toads died after reading a bunch of blabber about a happy poem about a happy girl by caryn tay
Hehe. yeah... Today was the last day and the last moment that i could see my great friend.. Brian. I didn't know that he was having such an important place in part of my school life, but when i thought that i won't be able to see him anymore, i realized that. Stupid me. I could have been more nice to him. I even feel sorry when i hit him hard when we played ABCD ^^;;. Brian, sorry!!!! If we ever have a chance to play, then i won't hit you that hard!!!! hee hee... All those memories with him was passing like a movie film for the past 1 year and a half. He was a great, nice and cool friend. Why i wasn't being a good friend with him just the start of the year 9?? I dare to say that i won't be able to meet like a friend like him anymore in my life. ^^*
Friends are nice. But when they leave us... then that will be one of the saddest moment in our life. But we live in the same earth. same space. under the pure, large blue sky. :D Hehe. Maybe we can meet when we grow up, and then our friendships can go forever from that time.
Bye bye brian. and good luck in KDU. We won't forget you and put you always in our heart. :D
let's keep in touch, okay??
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cαryn & clαriαn
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6:15 PM
0 toads died after reading a bunch of blabber about Friends are cool
During math, Clarian and I passed around the HAHA HEEHEE PAPER! Recognise any of those pretty pretty handwritings?It was actually supposed to go..
Ha ha
Ha ha ha
Ha ha ha ha
Ha ha ha ha ha
But hee hee hee hee it turned out pretty :)
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cαryn & clαriαn
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7:49 PM
0 toads died after reading a bunch of blabber about math is fun
and its all Clarian's fault. Thanks to her, I've become blur ("HAH?? ohhhh!!"), confused(basketball and badminton), childish(SPONGEBOB), mad("hi, wall!"), crazy(heee heee heee), stupid(all the time), sad(Clarian's SAD SAD SAD emo songs) and many other uncountable things. Its not normal.. its scary.. But I like it! :D Heeee heeee heeee!! well maybe i don't. Clarian and I will try to be more NORMAL beginning tmr.. Talk normally, EAT normally, LAUGH normally, act normally etc. yay!
I watched a very awesomely fantastic movie yesterday - 200 Pound Beauty. I was supposed to watch shrek/spiderman/pirates/blades of glory but tickets were sold out.. and we ended up watching that movie. I thought it was going to be boring but it turned out to be pretty good.. Its a korean movie about this fat ugly girl who underwent plastic surgery to become a completely different person. The new her was soooooo pretty all the guys fell at her feet.. She became a famous singer and blah blah blah.. It was sooo touching i almost cried but my evil friend kept laughing and commenting so i couldn't cry properly. grr. But yeah it was really nice and sad.. siiighhhhh...
Anyways, today was..... i dunno. Cork racing was fun.. watching ruzanna trying to skip was hilarious.. throwing marshmallows was fun.. playing the bunny game was fun.. basketball was hee hee aaanddd.. being evacuated from the gym was cool!! Btw there wasn't a fire in the gym.. just some awful smell.. yea.. Cool day:)
NOOOOOOO FEDERER LOST!!! Oh well.. Nadal put all his heart and soul and energy into the game, he deserves to win. Ahhhh :(
Sometimes I feel like I want to go to someplace far far away and begin a new life as a completely different person.. i would own a doughnut shop and live in a pretty little cottage with a pretty little garden. I would have nothing to worry about.. OHHH noooo i just remembered something.. HISTORY!!! aiyahh!!!! k bye bye
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cαryn & clαriαn
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7:31 PM
0 toads died after reading a bunch of blabber about far far away
Hehe. Today was a very very fun day!!!
I was really really sad and moody this morning listening to sad and romantic korean songs... I don't know why. I just felt like that. Caryn was stressed up looking at my sad and emo face. So i played the spongebob song for her in my ipod this morning. She didn't like it. She thinks it's tooo childlish,.. =p I don't care, lah.
Science was... okay. We played with a lot of stuffs. Ohhh...!!! me and caryn and jason had a race of cork using water. Heee.... It was fun. and then... we had math and commerce.. which was okay. I listened to my ipod during commerce. hehe. i'm addicted to some korean song.. TT
and then... LUNCH!!! we jump- roped as usual... I tried the short line one. Hehe. I felt like flying to the sky when i was jumping!!! :D:D Ruzz was funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hehe. When she jump she move all of her arms and body!!!!!!.. Hehe. Everyone laughed.. but she became better! :) Hehe. I was sweating A LOT!!! haha. I love to jump =p
and then.... and then... PHOTOGRAPHY!!! we finished editing our video. It's suppose to be 30 secs... bt ours are 1 min. TT. Oh well~~~ I showed it to my mum. She laughed a lot saying that i look very blurrrrrr... Hahahahaha:D:D i'm not blur.. am i blur?? Hmm...
and then... and then... and then... BASKETBALL!!!! Well, those who are reading this blog, don't just understand that i played basketaball. It's actually badminton. Caryn and i get confused between basketball and badminton cos it starts with same "ba". Hehe. It was fun.
It had a very very strange smell. FIRE!!! i screamed.. haha. Alden wanted to break that thing for the fire. That red and round thing. Hehe. I wanted to as well :D:D There is a really cute korean girl in our bus and Caryn loves her but she thinks that the girl is scared of her. I asked that girl and she said she couldn't talk with Caryn cos she was shy.. ~~ Awwww... so cute!!!
and then,,,
and then,,,
and then,,,
I'm home. just took a very good shower and .. now i'm sleepy!!!
hehe. I'm going to sleep now. Today was very tiring but also a fun and exciting day!!!
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cαryn & clαriαn
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6:01 PM
0 toads died after reading a bunch of blabber about films r fun to make
i stayed up to watch the french open and guess what....
But I still think Federer is better than Nadal!!
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cαryn & clαriαn
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7:14 AM
0 toads died after reading a bunch of blabber about nadal won no no no no
I'm aching all over!! Even my arms!!! It hurts so much to sit and stand and walk!!! I'm LIMPING!!
My earphones are kaput. I went to search for new earphones in 1u.. In the apple store, the storekeeper showed me a pair of earphones which costs RM799.. 799 bucks!!!! He was like "You should get this, its very good- I use it too!!" MAD CRAZY siao.. Why would anyone pay 800 bucks for a pair of earphones?? I can get an ipod for half that price.. I ended up buying a pair of earphones a thirtieth of that price.. and it was crap =p bahahahh :(
I had a looooong nap in the evening. I had a strange dream of someone stalking and trying to kill me so she could steal my phone and my ipod.. o.0 Later my little cousin came over and woke me up. i cooked pasta for her! so cute ^^
omg its 11 already..
oohhhh zheng and i have new names!! Elizabeth and Karl!! So cute right?? I think Elizabeth suits her cause its a green name and zheng sounds like green tea which is also green.. and Elizabeth has a z in it.. so it sounds and looks like her.. hee hee hee!!
i'm watching shrek 3 tmr! yay~
bye bye
p.s. henin won! yay ^^
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cαryn & clαriαn
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10:41 PM
0 toads died after reading a bunch of blabber about i am karl
Yaaaay! Today was SPORTS CARNIVAL DAY!! It was exhausting.. I nearly killed myself. But it was fun.. sort of.. and Clarian the dongdong missed it because she couldn't wake up an hour earlier than her usual waking up time. Yeah anyway, the carnival was cool.. RAFTER WON!! Red Rafter Rocks!
My 1500m event came first.. I was still half asleep =p and I didn't know it would be thaaat long.. 4 HUGE rounds.. but I didn't come in last!!! :d i came in 2nd or 3rd last.. >< I was dead tired. The 100m races were cool.. everyone ran sooooooo fast!! It was nice to watch :) The 800m was worse than the 1500 one cause I was already soo tired.. My body felt like it was going to crumble onto the track and melt into a puddle of red goo... yumm ^^ But I got third!!! Out of 3 ppl!! Hee hee. I must have been mad to join long distance events.. I thought it would more relaxing- no sprinting and all that.. i was so so wrong.. pfft. Ooh the walk was fun. Ruzz got 2nd place!! Fara and I were right in the middle. We were having a nice slow painful stroll :) Then we hung around for a bit before our next event - TUG OF WAR!! It wasn't fair!!! Bonga was in the savage team!! He's overaged!! But we got 2nd place anyway.. It was .. fun (??!) and painful. I'm aching all over. Yeah RAFTER WON!!
OMG ROGER FEDERER WON!!! HE IS THE GREATEST AND MOST WONDERFULEST TENNIS PLAYER IN THE WORLD!! He will wiiiiiinnnn the french open if it wasn't for that nadal dude!! Federer is awesome.... :)
Ahh I had pizza for dinner.. AGAIN. And for supper too, at my friend's house.. I'm sick of pizza. But not for long :)
bahh i can't keep my head up any longer.. nite nite ^^
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cαryn & clαriαn
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11:45 PM
0 toads died after reading a bunch of blabber about i love roger federer
Heeeyy! Blah.. I feel so blah.. Everyone looks so blah these days.. But its probably just me. People are leaving.. So sad :(
Something happy needs to happen.. or we'll drown in sadness and depressioness and blahness..
Anyway, there was this nice picture of a pizza in the math textbook.. it looked soooo so so yummy.. So, I had pizza for dinner! Yay! ..
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cαryn & clαriαn
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9:54 PM
0 toads died after reading a bunch of blabber about be excited
Hehe. Today was a tired day. I laughed a lot today with caryn and minobu with random stuffs. Minobu said running in a same spot for 5 minutes are fun. FUN!!! lol. I don't think it is fun... I should stay apart from her!!! Maybe... Caryn influenced her as well!!! TT. Well, i'm the first in our school who is influenced by her. Hmm... i influenced her a little bit as well=p. Fair enough!
Today, someone met someone and looked really happy... i miss someone too and i wanna be happy toooooo!!!! I feel so empty, feel like there is a void in my heart.... sigh... TT. Oh well. I can meet that person for about... after 3 weeks! =p and.. i can be HAPPY then! yay~~ :D:D Hmm.. that reminds me.. "You are the one the one that lies close to me. Whisper's hello I miss you quite terribly"...... and... here in your arms...
i---- miss---- you----...
fara is leaving soon... sigh.... How can i survive without her during lunchtime!!!!!! Ahhhhhh!!! Fara! Don't leave me!!! i'll love you forever :D:D
okay... i'm making myself sad... TT... BE HAPPY!!! YAY!!!
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cαryn & clαriαn
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9:05 PM
0 toads died after reading a bunch of blabber about be happy~
I'm soo sleepy.. I'm using this nice bigscreen computer to search for something about kesultanan melayu melaka (malaysian history stuff). I'M SO BORED!!
Ooh yeah the party was fuunn :) Thanks to everyone for such an awesome bday :)
Clarian is MAD!! Aaaahhhhhhh, she's turning into a monster!!
omg this assignment is so pointless..
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cαryn & clαriαn
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12:12 PM
0 toads died after reading a bunch of blabber about clarian is a monster
Hehe. Caryn's birthday party was AWESOME!! hehe. Happy birthday caryn!! I went to lunch with caryn's family. We had a good fish and... um... what was that.. japanese thing?? yeah. anyway it was nice:D:D. On the way to caryn's home, me and caryn and jo were talking about random stuffs. Hehe. Caryn is so lucky to have a cute and nice sister (Jo!). Everytime she looks caryn in lovely eyes!!! ^^;; I wonder why caryn doesn't like it=p
Shiny Cockroach!
After we arrived in caryn's house, me and caryn were playing speed. It was my first time. I was so blur. Caryn was so happy because she could win someone which is technically not fair. Hehe. I was so blur and Jo was helping me to put cards. But i still lost. TT. Oh well~~ haha.
First I met melissa, one of caryn's best friend. She looked like my friend in korean school=p. We were cutting the fruits. Especially, Mel was making the watermelon in a lot of small round shape. Hehe. Jo and me were eating those over and over=p. I cut the melon which was quite hard but fun. Caryn was making a face using a pine apple. I heard caryn was quite queit and normal in her old school. I wonder why she changed suddenly. Well, i was perfectly normal as well in last year. I wonder why i changed suddenly also. Hmm...
People started to come to caryn's house. I was screaming when i saw minobu. She was so much cute and sexy=p=p. Hahahahahahaha!!!!!!! Two caryn's friends knew my face and name from our blog and friendster. I was so happy and glad^^
Jasmine, raifana and alden played the piano for caryn. It was so coooooool! Especially, raifana's one was so cute! =p. Hmm. I didn't know alden can play the piano very well. It was so sweet!!! I was surprised. I think other people think that as well. Garfield playing the piano??? Hahahahaha!!!! =p
Raifana told us about our love life. Mine was quite sad... TT. I don't love myself that much and the person that i like likes i like that person but that person doesn't like me... TT. sigh. Okay... i'm getting sad and emo again.. Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Oh well...
We played ABC again!!! Haha. At the first time, i hit hard but after i was getting tired, i couldn't. I get tired so easily. sigh. Once i went to the camp in korean school and after i arrived home, i got sick terribly and was staying in the hospital for 2 days. TT. I need to exercise more!!! Haha.
The food was really nice. Hehe. I loved the spaghetti and the chocolate muffin. ooh. and i loved the PEACH CAKE!! yummmmy~~
Aastha's family dropped me in front of the condo. Hehe. I was so tired that after i took shower, i just slept. But it was VERY fun more than i expected and i met a lot of new friends=p
Happy Birthday Caryn and hope that all your wishes come true :D
and... Thank you for being my GOOD and BEST and INNOCENT and NICE friend who used to be my company talking to the non-living things!!! Hehe. I love you, sarang he, wo ai ni, ai si te ru ^^*
p.s. By the way, Caryn was so pretty with those formal clothes. She didn't look like a teacher at all! ^^;;
scribbled by
cαryn & clαriαn
at around
12:15 PM
1 toads died after reading a bunch of blabber about Caryn, Happy birthday
Losing a loyal friend is always upsetting. Losing a Pet Rock is even worse, because you have spent so much time with them. They have been your constant companion and trusted friend. You could talk to them, and know that they would never tell anyone what you told them in secret. When they die, make sure they are buried someplace with lots of other rocks, so they will not be lonely.