Granpas and Grandmas
I'm off to visit my granparents and my avian friends!! I'll be back on wed!!
Till then. xoxo
I'm off to visit my granparents and my avian friends!! I'll be back on wed!!
Till then. xoxo
scribbled by
cαryn & clαriαn
at around
6:13 PM
Awww CLARIAN DON'T BE SAD!!! You're making me sad too :( Its okay, I'm sure the coins will listen to you.. but if you wanna tell secrets, you gotta tell them to something you'll never see again, like potato chips and cake!! Cause if you tell the wall or the chair, they might tell it to something else like the picture on the wall or the table and soon the whole house will know your sad secret!!! OMG i just realized that i told my table something.. I'm gonna have to destroy my table!!! ha ha!!
Anyway, last night I went pasar malam and I bought plums. I loove plums. And on the way back to the car, I felt water being splashed on me. I thought it was dirty water from the sugarcane stall we were walking past.. ew. But to my horror, I realized that it was raining!!! Not drizzling.. RAINING!! In less than 10 seconds, the rain became a storm and we were all drenched. It was so sudden.. So COOL!! Hahahahaha!!
I ate a plum just now. It looked quite happy. I asked it if it enjoyed life. The plum told me that its happiest moment was when it was plucked off the plum tree and seperated from its horrible family who seemed to be always bumping agaisnt it whenever there was a strong wind. In fact, that is what all plums look forward to - getting away from their families. But the one moment they live for is the moment when a happy little girl comes along to the store they were put in and picks them up with a happy smile on her face. The plums would then know that they have served their purpose as plums and they would leave the world happy and contented.
I stood spellbound as the plum told me the compelling story of its life. I never knew plums had so much to live for.. Now I understand how brave and wonderful plums are. After a brief moment of silence for the plum, I took a huge bite out of it. And that was the end of the plum's happy life. mmmmm..
scribbled by
cαryn & clαriαn
at around
10:11 AM
1 toads died after reading a bunch of blabber about plums r cool
you are getting more serious, caryn... and as you know i didn't have enough time to talk a lot with the leaf... kids in the bus was VERY VERY VERY annoying!! they were screaming over and over and even a primary kid next to me started to scream!!!! i was trying to sleep but i couldn't!!! and... and.... that leaf helped me to ignore all those noises but still!!
and i was talking to you in sms!!! haha:D:D one of the messages was sent wrong,,, to brian!
it was "THAT'S A GOOD IDEA!! i'm talking to the leaf on the bus floor..." and he was like...
"weird"... yeah,,,, weird we are weird, aren't we, caryn?? haha XDXD and,,, and... LAME!! [
yeah,,, exams,,,, EXAMS!!!! AHHHH!!!!! but i can't be bothered to study...
very different from korean school... it is true that this school is really relaxing and comfortable!
no competition at all!!! in korean school, they rank the students so it is really stressful...
Oh well~ my life is getting really sad T^T why?? my life suppose to be happy and it was!!
but these days,,, i'm being an EMO!!!!!! sigh...
well i'm nice so, that's the problem (caryn would now what i'm talking about! =p)
okay... i'm sleepy now~~ haha :D good night~
scribbled by
cαryn & clαriαn
at around
5:11 PM
0 toads died after reading a bunch of blabber about blog
Yeah Clarian!! I think its really cool that we can talk on this cute cute blog!!! it sure beats talking to my table!!! Even after walking it 2cm (hah!! further than yours!!!) its still boring to talk to!! Oh I'm so glad the leaf died happy!! Next time you see a leaf on the bus floor looking for the value of life, tell it that without it, we would all be dead!! So the main purpose of a leaf's life is to keep us human beings alive!! I'm sure all the dying leaves you will meet will be overjoyed to hear that the whole world depended on it to survive!! Without the leaves, the world will be so bleak and boring and empty, and the grass and weeds and flowers will have to work extra hard to keep us alive.. oh wait!! Grass and weeds ARE leaves!! Haha now you know how important leaves are in our lives!! Oh wow I never realized that too!! This is so cool!! We're getting smarter, Clarian!! At first I thought my brain mass was steadily decreasing but not anymore!! Wow!!! Oh no that reminds me!! EXAMS in 2 weeks! We gotta start studying soon, Clarian! Arghh I'm so tired can't study today or tmr or the day after tmr or the day after tmr after the day after tmr I'm going back to my hometown so can't study either but whats to study right? We have an open book test!!! haha that is so fun!! Anyway, back to leaves.. Leaves are green!! But some leaves are a boring green. I prefer leaves that are a happy and bright green but if you're in a forest or some magical place, the leaves have to be a mysterious shade of green or it'll spoil the entire scene ;[ I don't like leaves that aren't green. My neighbours have this plant that has red leaves. RED leaves. Omg talking about leaves is so tiring. The storm interrupted my sleep last night.. I'm so sleepy >< Byee!
scribbled by
cαryn & clαriαn
at around
1:12 PM
0 toads died after reading a bunch of blabber about leaves are green
i'm so glad that i'm normal now... :) finally i can talk to living things... as caryn said i talked to the leaf on the bus floor,,, YES TRUE!!! i talked to the living thing, living thing which is ALIVE!! "yay" to me:D:D i was a bit sad when i talked to that leaf... the leaf said it was always thinking about the real value of its life! wow, the leaf was better than me!!! i haven't thought about my life at all.. what is the real value of my life??? hmmm.. ANYWAYS!!!!!
so, the leaf wanted to talk to the whole world to find its value of life and leave the world without any attachment finding those.... first the leaf asked the wind, "what's your value of life?" and the wind said he can give cool and fresh air to the people and all the living things on the earth!... the leaf was jealous and was really sad... so the wind helped the leaf to go to where many people stays and that place was OUR BUS!!!!!!! and BESIDE ME!!!!!!!!!
i told the leaf that you can make people happy by giving us pleasure whenever we see the trees. "i love the color of trees!!! they are awesome and beautiful!!! do you know why some blackboards are green?? that's because it makes the people's eyes comfortable!!! YOU ARE GREEN!!!"
The leaf was happy!!! we were both happy!!!! the leaf was happy because it found its own value of life and i was happy because i was proud of myself and I COULD TALK WITH LIVING THINGS,, not NON-living things!!!
that was my story with a leaf... the leaf is dead now but... died happily ever after!!!
caryn said the peach cakes are the best! their cream is so soft, cute and yummy~~~
i haven't talked to them... haven't seen them!!! hehe~ but i heard they are very friendly ^^
but it is true that i can't just ignore not talking to the non-living things!!! because....
they are AWESOME!!!!! yeah,,, coins are the best.. they smell but caryn!! do you smell someone when you talk with them??? YOU DON'T!!!!! coin is now angry... it doesn't like you anymore, caryn!!... TT >< i was trying to take a walk with a table yesterday in the park but...
they are soooooooooo heavy!!!!!!!!!!! the table walked 1cm and they were still happy~ and said thank you to be for pulling them!!! :D:D:D i was really happy!!!!
i can make both living things and non-living things happy~~~ XDXD how nice i am!! :)
OMG,,, caryn and me are now both bored and sad... TT
but... we have our blog and things to talk!!! hehe,, don't you think caryn??
scribbled by
cαryn & clαriαn
at around
9:21 AM
0 toads died after reading a bunch of blabber about blog
A leaf on the bus floor isn't a living thing!! Its dead, right? But Clarian says that when we pick flowers or leaves, they'll remain fresh for a few hours. So that brown withered leaf on the floor of the bus was alive when she talked to it! Yay Clarian is talking to living things now, she's almost normal!
Anyways, potato chips are so boring- cakes are way cooler! The other day, I whispered to that yummy peach cake (whispered cus I didn't want my parents to know that I've gone mad) and after we became friends, I chucked it into my mouth. ;D Yeah, cakes are fun. And yummy too!
Oh we should take our tables out for walks- they get really bored sitting in the same spot for days and months and years. Thats probably why they make awful conversation. Chairs on the other hand are always being thrown around so they're more interesting than tables. Walls have ears so they're cool too. Clarian thinks coins are nice to talk to but I think they're boring.. and smelly too. And blankets and pillows make good listeners!!
Yeah thats how you talk to furniture! They are definitely worth all your time and energy because they will never let you down/ disappoint you/ kick you.
Haha ha ha haha ha ...
scribbled by
cαryn & clαriαn
at around
12:03 AM
0 toads died after reading a bunch of blabber about talk to furniture
We are so completely bored.. So we've decided to create a blog! :D
Hmm.. Who's the "we"?
you know who! 8)
scribbled by
cαryn & clαriαn
at around
11:12 AM
0 toads died after reading a bunch of blabber about blog
so here comes my, clarian's , first post!!!
hmm,, we?? includes... Clarian!!!! and Caryn!!!
haha.. yeah... the purpose of this blog is because we are EXTREMELY BORED!!
guess what!! caryn suggested me yesterday to talk with the living things now...
people might think we are mad and weird,, well, some people actually DO!!!
so i talked with a leaf on the bus floor!!!!!!! i felt that i'm living in the world and interacting with
the living things which i haven't felt since i was having conversations with non living things... lol..
that leaf was okay,,, but still not as much as interesting as my pillow or potato chips! TT
i know my life is sad... full of boredom... but now i'm happy because now i can talk with this
blog with my another bored buddy, caryn!!! haha :D Don't you think, caryn?? XDXD
scribbled by
cαryn & clαriαn
at around
1:37 AM
0 toads died after reading a bunch of blabber about blog
Losing a loyal friend is always upsetting. Losing a Pet Rock is even worse, because you have spent so much time with them. They have been your constant companion and trusted friend. You could talk to them, and know that they would never tell anyone what you told them in secret. When they die, make sure they are buried someplace with lots of other rocks, so they will not be lonely.