very very very very annoying.
very very very very annoying.
scribbled by
cαryn & clαriαn
at around
9:22 PM
0 toads died after reading a bunch of blabber about no comment
scribbled by
cαryn & clαriαn
at around
10:25 PM
0 toads died after reading a bunch of blabber about I CANNOT GO TO SCHOOL
Woo hooooo~
I love canary's post! about the number of legs! xD
No offence but.. actually.. the first one with no leg looks aweful...
more than the one with 8 legs xD. Joanne is much much more cuter than that~! :D
And the reason I like the post is because.. I'm on it!
I remember now. I was in the corner! that was.. I think during the exams.. and I was super duper stressed out, so I stayed back with caryn and took the late bus xD
Anyways. There is a huggeee typhoon coming to Korea! and you know what?
I had to delay my schedule going to malaysia one day more >_<
But oh well~ I can miss school on the first day! wheeee!
Oooh. My parents and my cousins said my skin became much brighter since I came to Korea!
Isn't that sooo coool? :D:D
and my short fringe is growing sooooo fast! I think because I thought of the broccoli all the times. and I ate too! Thanks to canary.
Okay. I go to finish off business assignment >_<
scribbled by
cαryn & clαriαn
at around
10:54 PM
0 toads died after reading a bunch of blabber about broccoli rocks
1) No legs: SO CUUTEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! Looks like my sister!!!
2) One leg: Cute but not as cute as ^3) 2 legs!! This .. is.. uhm.. also cute? ? ?
4) 4 legs: EEEEKKK HAMSTER ON THE FLOOR!!!!! Not cute anymore.5) 5 legs... 5 is such an odd number for legs so all creatures with 5 legs deserve to die...
Muahha take that you evil 5-legged monster!!6) 6 legs... I HATE HATE HATE ANYTHING THAT HAS 6 LEGS!! So0o0 NOT CUTE!
7) 8 legs.... I told you!!1 the more legs you have, the uglier and scarier and smellier you are!!!
8) More than 8 legs...
you know the smiley :3 ?? The person who created it was inspired by this weird thing:
:3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3
wormie.. the only thing more embarrasing than eating a worm is being eaten by one.
Conclusion: If you have legs, you are a freak.
:3 canary
scribbled by
cαryn & clαriαn
at around
11:59 AM
0 toads died after reading a bunch of blabber about legs are bad
scribbled by
cαryn & clαriαn
at around
10:50 PM
0 toads died after reading a bunch of blabber about mario is so ugly
You knowww~~ While my cousin was at my place for a while, we downloaded and played Korean Audition in her lappy! :D It was funnnnn (:
And this song! it's one of my favorite... and i played in beat up!! It was soooo funnnnn :D:D
Well. this one is someone elses.. in youtube. i think this guy is trying to show off. LOL! It's not that hard............. like i'm baddd at beat up... and even I could get no miss in this song!
Anyways. enjoy the songgg :D and follow the fingers if you want~ :D:D
scribbled by
cαryn & clαriαn
at around
10:42 AM
Okay. I can't really take this anymore.
This stupid hair dresser... again... ruined my hair.. ><
Now, my fringe is.. way above my eyebrow.
I'm stressed than anyone else in this world who have short fringe.
I.... Hope it grows. It will eventually.. but more quickly..
Before the holiday ends.
I.... Feel terrible. and.... I'm listening to No Space. and....
It is making my feeling worse... I... wanna play beat up ='(
I.... Have no space in my own mind.
I.... Am emo now. and.... I feeeeel.. very hopeless =x
scribbled by
cαryn & clαriαn
at around
7:44 PM
0 toads died after reading a bunch of blabber about no space in my mind
No, Federer did not lose.
Guess what!!!!!!! I DON'T HAVE A MAID ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!!! WHEEEEEEEE!@@!#!$#!$
I can finally have peace and privacy!!! I can also finally enter the world of HOUSEWORK@!
and I'm getting used to it!
Last night at 3.30am, i got sooo distraught watching federer getting pushed around by *$#(@ so i picked up the broom and started to sweep the floor~ HAHAHHA. And this morning, I did the laundry!! and washed the dishes!!! and cleaned my room!! i feel so.. useful. LOLz.
and and and !! I PASSED MY UNDANG!! (for clarian: undang is the theory exam you take before you can learn how to drive)
Getting a driver's license is so ma fan. I had to go for the 5 hour "road safety" course which was soo boring and so utterly irrelevant, and it was held in this dilapitated shack full of scary and smelly people.. Then go for undang which was BORING and torturous cuz they make you wait there for 3 hours before you go into the exam room to take the test which i took 15 min to complete. Then next saturday (my poor darling saturday), I have to go for the 6 hour bengkel. die die die. But after that, the fun part begins. >:) I'll have driving lessons where i can finally handle an actual vehicle. watch outttt!
scribbled by
cαryn & clαriαn
at around
2:15 PM
0 toads died after reading a bunch of blabber about federer still rocks ok
You in audition!! I didn't really hear the lyrics before... but quite niceee :D
Now i feel like Beat Up.... BAHHH ><
You're the only one...
All I need Is you here with me
Someone to depend on When the rain falls down
All I know Is the way I feel Whenever you're around me
All the darkness turns to day
What you do to me...
You're the one and only Treasure in my life
A feeling I can't hide from you That you're the only one
You're the one and only Pleasure in my life
A feeling that goes on and on And you're the only one
All my thoughts They just run away Move a little closer Now we breathe as one
Take my hand Let's fly away To another place in time
Let the world just fade away
What you do to me...
You're the one and only Treasure in my life
A feeling I can't hide from you That you're the only one
You're the one and only Pleasure in my life
A feeling that goes on and on And you're the only one
What you do to me...
You make me feel so alive.. I feel it deep inside..
What you do to me..
You're the one and only Treasure in my life
A feeling I can't hide from you That you're the only one
You're the one and only Pleasure in my life
A feeling that goes on and on.. And you're the only one You're the only one...
ALL of You are the only ones for meeeee. thanks for being my goooodie friends all of you =D
scribbled by
cαryn & clαriαn
at around
5:11 PM
This person is:lol. I bet even mr. pollock wouldn't find that funny.
Anyways, here's some strawberries and cream from Wimbledon to lighten up your day~FEDERER IS WINNING~ FEDERER WILL WIN WIMBLEDON! NADAL WILL NOT! FEDERER WILL!
and last but definitely not least, here's me with contacts!this is what i'm gonna look like from now on so get used to it :D
scribbled by
cαryn & clαriαn
at around
5:12 PM
0 toads died after reading a bunch of blabber about federer will win his 6th consecutive wimbledon
Losing a loyal friend is always upsetting. Losing a Pet Rock is even worse, because you have spent so much time with them. They have been your constant companion and trusted friend. You could talk to them, and know that they would never tell anyone what you told them in secret. When they die, make sure they are buried someplace with lots of other rocks, so they will not be lonely.